Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Outside, Spring Inside

Spring has sprung!! I feel like maybe I have said that already a few times, but I am really, really ready! This weekend we were able to get outside and grub around in the garden some, and these gorgeous jonquils were just too cheerful! The Fox came out and helped me put down new dirt and clean out all the old weeds and dead things from last year, and we had a really nice time. It  has been a whole month since we last turned on our television and we have had so much time to spend together! We have learned how to work side by side even better than we used to, and that has really been a blessing. It is amazing how "negative in, negative out, positive in, positive out" works. It sounds so simplistic; something you might tell a child- but that's another thing I'm beginning to learn: simple works. As we get older, we (or I do, anyway!!) feel like things have to get more complicated, more involved, more detailed, more, more, more. And then the stress just builds upon itself every day. How often do you see a stressed out kid? I don't mean cranky or sleepy, but full blown grown up stressed. I know that when I have seen that in children- they are the ones who have homework, sports, two birthday parties a weekend to attend, swim lessons, and more, and more. They're tiny adults. 

I've begun to learn that bigger is not better, and more stuff is not going to make me more happy. Getting to spend time outdoors with someone who loves me so much that he pokes me awake at night to tell me something he just read in his Bible? That makes me sooo happy. 

I feel like giving up TV for Lent wasn't really about the TV at all. It was about giving up control. And once I started letting go of one thing, it didn't make giving up other things easy(at all! But that is for another day!), but it helped me see that all these things are fleeting. There is so much more- God is so much more. When I finally un-clench the fist and let go of the crummy things I think I want and open my hand to the things He wants to give... It is an amazing thing. 

I appreciate your time in reading this, and I hope that my stumbling, rambling along can maybe help you too. I certainly haven't learned everything and am so excited about all the things the Lord will continue to open my eyes to. I am more than happy to answer any questions or comments either here or via email:

"All these toys were never intended to posses my heart. My true good is in another world and my only real treasure is Christ." - C. S. Lewis

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