Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Two Nesting Mallards, One Pretty Pansy...

I don't have much to share today, but I just wanted to give a quick update! We got to have a little summer teaser this weekend- Friday and Saturday were up to almost 75 degrees and absolutely glorious! We even got to grill out with some good friends on Saturday evening. That is probably one of my most favorite things to do once it gets warm. The Fox makes the best hamburgers I have ever eaten; I guarantee it. We weren't that fortunate, we had grilled pineapple chicken sandwiches with Cheetos out of a can for our side. That's how we roll up in here :)
Oh! And I got to startle a pair of nesting mallards coming out of the mall Saturday morning. (This was easily the highlight of my weekend.)

Then on Sunday, we got to experience the joy of Kentucky that is a 30 degree drop with a mix of snow flurries!! Monday morning followed with torrential downpours and two cavities for The Fox, which we were somewhat disappointed by, but as he said, "Thank you, Lord it was only two!" He makes staying negative fairly difficult. Then we spotted these beauties when we stopped by the shop to pick up some paperwork!

Other than that, we have been flying pretty low on the radar! God has been helping us in the midst of some tough situations and through them, bringing us closer together, even when we try to our best to do otherwise. How thankful I am that He never gets tired of picking us back up, even when the reason we are down is because we are having a rolling-in-the-floor tantrum. (I say we... but really I just mean myself..)

Our etsy shop has been getting some new things in, as well as updating some of the older listings. It is pretty amazing the difference a gloomy December day and a bonny March one can make when it comes to photographing. In saying that.. I suppose I should continue to take advantage of said sunshine.

May peace and all the saints go with you!!

The Tiger

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