Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rainy Days Make Me Ramble

New/Old Weston Camera with Argus Flash that just came in!

So you just never know what you might acquire in a store like ours- almost every day someone brings us something to check out. Sometimes it is just stuff; old clear glassware, ceramic angels... plenty of things that are pretty or nice, but not exactly in our categories of interest or expertise. Other times, you get things like old class rings or broken necklaces- if it is made from gold, or silver, then we always like to buy, but they're not what you call a "knock out piece" or something that's really suited to the display case.

And other times, you get really awesome stuff, like a ring that looks like a snake twining its way around your index finger, or a full strand of natural pearls from the 1960's that don't even need to be re-strung. Those are exciting moments!
No matter what it is, we love seeing all the random, never expected things that people bring, and today is no exception! This old camera has certainly seen better days, but it is incredibly sturdy (sometimes referred to as "The Brick", and not without reason!) and has a really nice flash intact. Vintage cameras are way "outside my pay grade", as The Fox likes to say, but I just love the look they have, and thinking about how they were used to capture what was most important to whoever owned it. Maybe it went with that person to the Grand Canyon for their first time. Even now, with all our technology, it is still impossible to really capture its magnitude, but maybe they looked back at those photographs, and through the blurriness, or grain, remembered what they saw and how they felt experiencing the real thing. 

I think the rainy day may have gone to my head a little. 

Anyway, now that I've climbed out of my rabbit hole, I suppose what I'm getting to is, it's not just about buying up what's trendy, or filling a store full of things to try to sell and make as much money as possible. Don't get me wrong, we have bills that have to be paid, and this girl likes to eat!! But for us, the thing that is important is remembering where those things came from, and how far we've come- I don't have to carry "The Brick" everywhere with me- I can just whip out my handy awesome smartphone whenever I want to snap a picture. 
To me it is also about doing something I enjoy, that brings me joy, and trusting that the bills will be paid. The Lord is good! I have never been without what I needed, and rarely without what I wanted for that matter. I have faith that what I need will be provided for and it is my job to be thankful for and work diligently with all that I have been given. 
With all that said, I suppose I had better get back to work! :)

The Tiger

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